Planting The Perfect Lilaeopsis Novaezelandiae Carpet Plant At Home

August 5, 2024

Welcome to our article on Lilaeopsis Novaezelandiae, also known as Micro Sword or Carpet Grass. As aquarium enthusiasts, we understand the importance of choosing the right aquatic plants to create a stunning aquascape.

Thanks to its beautiful appearance and easy care requirements, Micro Sword is a popular choice for achieving a lush carpet effect in your aquarium.

In this article, we will delve into the characteristics of Lilaeopsis Novaezelandiae and provide valuable tips on planting, care, and propagation to help you successfully incorporate this plant into your aquascape.

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced aquarist, we’ve got you covered with all the information you need to create a thriving and visually appealing underwater environment.

Lilaeopsis Novaezelandiae

Key Takeaway

  • Thrives in moderate to high lighting and nutrient-rich substrate.
  • Requires regular trimming to maintain a dense, low-growing carpet appearance.
  • Prefers soft to moderately hard water with a pH range of 6.5 to 7.5.
  • CO2 supplementation enhances growth and overall health.
  • Ideal for foreground placement in aquascaping.

What Is Lilaeopsis Novaezelandiae (Micro Sword)?

Lilaeopsis Novaezelandiae, commonly known as Micro Sword, is an aquatic plant native to South America. It belongs to the Apiaceae family and is characterized by its grass-like appearance.

Micro Sword is an excellent foreground plant, often used to create a carpet effect in aquariums. It is known for its vibrant green color and compact growth, making it an attractive addition to any aquascape.

Natural Habitat And Origin

Lilaeopsis novae-zelandiae, commonly known as Micro Sword or New Zealand Dwarf Grass, is native to New Zealand, particularly found in freshwater habitats such as streams, rivers, ponds, and marshes.

It typically grows in shallow waters with moderate water flow and prefers sandy or gravelly substrates. In its natural habitat, Lilaeopsis novae-zelandiae forms dense carpets along the edges of water bodies, providing habitat and shelter for various aquatic organisms.

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Physical Characteristics

  • Leaf Structure: It features thin, grass-like leaves that grow in dense clusters from the base of the plant. The leaves are typically narrow and elongated, resembling blades of grass.
  • Height: Lilaeopsis novae-zelandiae is a low-growing plant, with its leaves reaching heights of 2 to 5 centimeters (approximately 0.8 to 2 inches) under optimal conditions. This makes it suitable for use as a foreground or midground plant in aquariums.
  • Growth Habit: It forms dense carpets of foliage when planted densely in the substrate. The plant spreads through runners, which allow it to propagate and cover the substrate over time.
  • Color: The leaves of Lilaeopsis novae-zelandiae are typically green, with variations in shade depending on lighting and nutrient conditions. Under adequate lighting and nutrient levels, the leaves can exhibit vibrant green hues.
Lilaeopsis Novaezelandiae

Lighting Needs

  • The lighting requirements for Lilaeopsis Novaezelandiae are crucial for its compact growth and vibrant appearance. It is recommended that a balance between medium and high-intensity lighting be provided. 
  • This ensures that the plant receives sufficient light energy for photosynthesis while preventing excessive exposure that could lead to algae growth. By striking the right balance, the Micro Sword carpet will flourish and create a visually stunning aquascape.

Optimal pH And Temperature Conditions

  • Lilaeopsis Novaezelandiae thrives in aquariums with a pH range between 6.5 and 7.5. Maintaining the water pH within this range is important to ensure the plant’s vitality and growth. 
  • In terms of temperature, Micro Sword prefers a range of 74 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit (23 to 28 degrees Celsius). Keeping the water within this temperature range will promote optimal growth and overall health of the plant.
Lilaeopsis Novaezelandiae

Substrate Requirement

  • Fine-Grained Substrate: Use a fine-grained substrate such as sand, fine gravel, or specialized planted aquarium substrate. The substrate should be free of sharp edges to prevent damage to the delicate roots of Lilaeopsis novae-zelandiae.
  • Nutrient-Rich: Choose a substrate that is enriched with nutrients essential for plant growth, such as iron, potassium, and trace elements. These nutrients support healthy root development and overall plant vigor.
  • Depth: Provide a substrate depth of at least 2-3 inches (5-8 centimeters) to allow ample room for root expansion and anchoring. A deeper substrate layer promotes stability and encourages the spread of runners for carpeting growth.
  • Adequate Drainage: Ensure proper drainage within the substrate to prevent waterlogging, which can lead to root rot and other issues. Use a substrate that allows water to permeate freely while retaining essential nutrients.
  • pH and Hardness: Lilaeopsis novae-zelandiae prefers slightly acidic to neutral pH levels (6.5-7.5) and soft to moderately hard water. Ensure that the substrate maintains these optimal water parameters to support healthy growth.

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Placement Options

  • Foreground: Micro Sword is commonly used as a foreground plant due to its low-growing nature and carpeting habit. Plant it in the front of the aquarium to create a lush carpet effect that adds depth and visual interest to the aquascape. Ensure proper spacing between individual plants to allow for even coverage and prevent overcrowding.
  • Midground: While primarily suited for the foreground, Micro Sword can also be used effectively in the midground of the aquarium. Plant it alongside other midground plants or hardscape elements to create a seamless transition between different areas of the aquascape. This placement adds texture and dimension to the overall layout.
  • Border Planting: Use Micro Sword as a border plant along the edges of the aquarium to define the space and frame the aquascape. Plant it along the front and sides of the tank to create a naturalistic border that enhances the visual appeal of the aquarium.
aqua plant

Tank Size Requirement For Healthy Growth

  • When considering incorporating Lilaeopsis Novaezelandiae, also known as Micro Sword, into your aquarium, selecting an appropriate tank size that supports its healthy growth is crucial. 
  • While Micro Sword can be kept in smaller tanks, providing a minimum tank size of 10 gallons is recommended. This allows ample space for the plant to spread and establish a lush carpet, ensuring optimal growth and development.
  • The larger tank size offers several benefits. It provides more room for the extensive root system of Lilaeopsis Novaezelandiae, promoting better nutrient uptake and stability. Additionally, a larger tank minimizes the risk of crowding, which can lead to reduced light penetration and hinder the growth of Micro Sword.
  • Choosing a tank size that meets the minimum requirement creates a favorable environment for the successful growth and establishment of the Micro Sword carpet in your aquarium.
aqua plant

Complementary Plants And Fish For A Micro Sword Aquascape

  • When designing an aquascape with Micro Sword as the carpeting plant, it is important to choose complementary plants and fish. Plants with contrasting heights, textures, and colors can create a visually appealing and balanced aquascape. Additionally, selecting fish species that are compatible with the needs of Micro Sword will ensure a harmonious environment.
  • Some popular choices for complementary plants include Anubias, Java Fern, and Cryptocoryne. These plants have different leaf shapes and sizes, which can provide an interesting contrast to the grass-like appearance of Micro Sword. The combination of these plants can create a natural and dynamic underwater landscape.
  • When it comes to fish, small and peaceful species like Neon Tetras and Corydoras can thrive alongside Micro Sword. These fish are compatible with Micro Sword’s mellow nature and will not disturb its growth. Their vibrant colors and graceful movements can add life and vibrancy to your aquascape.
aqua plant

CO2 And Fertilizer Considerations For Lush Growth

  • CO2 supplementation and proper fertilization are essential factors in promoting the lush growth of Lilaeopsis Novaezelandiae. CO2 injection helps the plant thrive by providing a carbon source for photosynthesis. 
  • Regular fertilization with an aquarium plant fertilizer rich in essential nutrients, such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, will support the healthy development of the Micro Sword carpet. CO2 supplementation and regular fertilization ensure that the plant has the necessary resources to grow and flourish.

Cultivation Tips

  1. Lighting: Provide moderate to high-intensity lighting to support photosynthesis and promote healthy growth. Full-spectrum LED lights or fluorescent bulbs with a color temperature between 5000K and 7000K are ideal for Micro Sword.
  2. Carbon Dioxide (CO2): While not mandatory, supplementing with CO2 can enhance growth and promote lush foliage in Micro Sword. Consider injecting CO2 into the aquarium, especially in high-tech setups with high light and nutrient levels.
  3. Nutrient-Rich Substrate: Use a nutrient-rich substrate such as sand or gravel supplemented with root tabs to provide essential nutrients for root development. Ensure proper substrate depth (2-3 inches) to allow for root expansion and anchoring.
  4. Water Parameters: Maintain optimal water parameters, including slightly acidic to neutral pH (6.5-7.5), soft to moderately hard water, and temperatures between 20-28°C (68-82°F). Consistent water quality supports nutrient uptake and overall plant health.
  5. Fertilization: Supplement with liquid fertilizers or root tabs to provide essential nutrients like iron, potassium, and trace elements. Follow the dosing instructions carefully to prevent nutrient deficiencies or imbalances.
aqua plant

Propagation Techniques For Micro Sword

  • Carefully identify areas where the Micro Sword has produced horizontal runners or daughter plants.
  • Using sharp and clean scissors or aquascaping tools, trim the runners or daughter plants close to the main plant.
  • Replant the trimmed shoots in the aquarium’s desired areas, pressing them gently into the substrate to establish root contact.
  • Provide proper lighting, water conditions, and nutrient supplementation to promote the growth of the propagated shoots.
  • Monitor the growth of the newly planted Micro Sword shoots and adjust care as needed to ensure their successful establishment.

Benefits Of including Micro Sword In Aquariums

  • Including Lilaeopsis Novaezelandiae, also known as Micro Sword, in your aquarium offers numerous benefits. As a carpeting plant, Micro Sword enhances the aesthetic appeal of your aquascape, creating a lush and natural look. 
  • The dense carpet of Micro Sword provides hiding places and shelter for fish and other aquatic organisms, promoting a sense of security in the underwater environment.
  • In addition to its visual appeal, Micro Sword contributes to the overall health of your aquarium. It absorbs excess nutrients, helping maintain water quality and preventing buildup of harmful substances. 
  • This plant also plays a vital role in balancing the ecosystem, creating a favorable environment for the wellbeing of your aquarium inhabitants.
  • By incorporating Micro Sword in your aquarium, you can create a visually stunning and ecologically balanced aquatic landscape that benefits both the plants and animals in your tank.


Lilaeopsis Novaezelandiae, also known as Micro Sword, is an exceptional choice for aquascape enthusiasts looking to create a stunning carpet effect in their aquariums. Its grass-like appearance adds a touch of natural beauty to any aquatic environment.

Whether you are a beginner or an experienced aquarist, this plant’s ease of care and maintenance make it an ideal addition to your tank.

By providing optimal conditions, such as appropriate lighting, suitable water parameters, and regular maintenance, you can ensure the healthy growth of a lush and vibrant Micro Sword carpet in your aquascape.

This plant offers numerous benefits, including providing hiding places and shelter for fish, enhancing the overall aesthetics of the aquarium, and contributing to water quality maintenance by absorbing excess nutrients.

Take your aquascape to the next level by incorporating Lilaeopsis Novaezelandiae into your aquarium.

With its attractive appearance, easy care requirements, and ecological benefits, this versatile plant will transform your aquatic world into a visually stunning and thriving underwater ecosystem.

Embrace the beauty of Micro Sword and watch as it creates a carpet of green elegance in your aquatic paradise.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What Are The Benefits Of Including Micro Sword In Aquariums?

Including Micro Sword enhances the aesthetic appeal of the aquascape, provides hiding places and shelter for fish and aquatic organisms, and helps maintain water quality by absorbing excess nutrients.

How Does Lilaeopsis Novaezelandiae Transition From Emergent To Immersed Plant Growth?

Lilaeopsis Novaezelandiae initially grows and emerges with its leaves above the water surface. As it adapts to submerged conditions, it develops smaller leaves and adapts to the underwater environment.

How Do I Propagate Lilaeopsis Novaezelandiae?

One method of propagation involves cutting and replanting Micro Sword shoots. By trimming the horizontal runners and replanting the clumps, new growth will emerge, leading to the expansion of the carpet.

What Are Some Tips For Successfully Growing Micro Sword?

Some tips for successful Micro Sword growth include providing optimal lighting, maintaining stable water parameters, supplementing with CO2 and fertilizers, regular trimming and replanting, and ensuring adequate access to nutrients and a healthy substrate.

What Are The Minimum Tank Size Requirements For Lilaeopsis Novaezelandiae?

It is recommended that a minimum tank size of 10 gallons be provided to allow ample space for Micro Sword to spread and establish a carpet. Compatibility with other plants and fish should also be considered.

Aleem Ahmed